This site celebrates the many friends known and lands explored over the 101 years of a life well lived.
Born in 1912 in Gloucester, England, Lindsay A. Lafford's path led from Hereford Cathedral as a choir boy and articled pupil of the Cathedral Organist to appointment as organist and director of music at St John's Cathedral, Hong Kong. He met future wife Anne in French Indo-China while both were on holiday, she from her position as a translator for a German industrial firm in Shanghai. They married in England in 1939, emigrated to the U.S. and raised three children, while pursuing careers in music, linguistics and academia.
Lindsay, an accomplished recitalist, playing organ, piano, and carillon (and sometimes
bassoon and recorder) gave recitals in England, France, Germany, Hong Kong, India, the Caribbean, Canada, and throughout the U.S. He filled long-term positions as organist and choirmaster at churches and cathedrals in Hong Kong, greater Philadelphia, Princeton, St. Louis, Jacksonville, Geneva NY, Coral Gables FL, and Phoenix AZ. As carillonneur, he performed in cities including Princeton, Miami and Montreal.
He composed over 300 anthems, symphonic suites, and major choral works. He was a beloved educator and music director at Haverford, Swarthmore, Princeton, Washington University, Middlebury, Hobart & William Smith, and the University of Miami. His later studies included electronic aleatory music with Karlheinz Stockhausen
in Darmstadt, Germany.
Anne taught languages and linguistics in middle school and at Eisenhower College, Florida International University and the University of Miami, where, recognizing her dedication, the U.M. Language Laboratory was named in her honor in 1988.
From 1989 to 2014 Lindsay made Tempe, AZ, his base of operations for regular cross-country drives to the East Coast and summer road trips in Europe (how he loved his cars!) and where he continued to compose, perform and conduct until his death.
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